Easy Healthy Vegan Burger

This is a super healthy recipe that feels like you're eating junk food! This vegan patty is super tasty, simple, nutrient-rich and great for vegan health and weight loss!

Here is a video tutorial I made for this recipe! You can subscribe to my channel here if you like!


1 can of black beans, drained and rinsed ( this is my favorite organic brand )

1/3 cup rolled oats

2 tablespoons ketchup

1 tablespoon mustard

1/2 teaspoon onion powder

1/2 teaspoon garlic power

Instructions 1. Preheat oven to 400 F.

2. Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl. You can use a potato masher or fork to mash the beans a little.

3. Stir well, form into patties, and lay them out on a parchment paper covered pan.

4. Bake for 7 minutes, remove from oven, flip over, and bake for another 7 minutes until edges are browned and crispy.

5. Dress up a bun or bread with your favorite toppings and condiments and enjoy!

Enjoy between some slices of our popular 2 Ingredient Quinoa Bread!

Feel welcome to share this recipe on Pinterest and Facebook!

Want help improving your health and losing weight on a plant-based diet? Explore our eBooks!

Fruit. Fat. Forage. is a 5 day raw food cleanse designed for detoxification and rapid weight loss! Read testimonies here.

The MicroVore Diet is a 14 day (and beyond) plan that contains micronutrient-rich and macro-balanced recipes for health and steady weight loss! Read testimonies here.

Thanks for living vegan and have a healthy day!